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NEW: Submit Comments About Legislation Online
February 16th, 2021
Douglas County Community Vaccination Clinics
January 28th, 2021
The Douglas County Health Department (DCHD) and its community partners will host four community clinics beginning in February in an effort to provide Douglas County residents 80 years of age and older with the COVID-19 vaccine. The four sites are being coordinated by the DCHD in partnership with Nebraska Medicine, CHI Health, Creighton University, and Methodist Health System. The clinics will continue to operate until further notice. To register for the COVID-19 vaccine, visit
Updated Committee Testifying Guidelines
January 26th, 2021
Nebraska’s unique Unicameral Legislature relies heavily on the “second house” – the citizens of the State of Nebraska. Ensuring that members of the public have the opportunity to have their voices heard is vital to the legislative process. The COVID-19 pandemic has created unique health and safety concerns. The Legislature has adopted expanded methods by which the public can provide input into the legislative process so that citizens who have safety concerns about in-person testifying have multiple opportunities to have their voice heard as part of the legislative and committee process. The following options provide ways for citizens to share their views on a bill with the Legislature. Please read each option carefully, as each has a different outcome as to how your input is recorded. Guidance on hearings may continue to change depending on COVID-19, but I will make sure that you hear of any changes and are able to testify on the bills that matter to you.
2021 Bill List & Cosponsored Legislation
January 21st, 2021
Below you can find a brief overview of each of the bills I have introduced for 2021, as well as a few of the nearly 80 proposals I am co-sponsoring with my colleagues. The text of these bills is available on the Nebraska Legislature's website. This is a great tool to use to find information on hearing dates, the progress of a bill, and other relevant documents. Note that this year, written testimony will need to be submitted by noon the day before the bill's hearing, a change from 5 pm in previous years. Guidance on hearings may continue to change depending on COVID-19, but I will make sure that you hear of any changes and are able to testify on the bills that matter to you.
Attorney General Public Records Request - Role in Urging Capitol Protest?
January 10th, 2021
A day before the riot at the Capitol, robocalls were sent from the Republican Attorneys General Association, urging them to march on the Capitol to “stop the steal” and “continue to fight to protect the integrity of our election.” Today (1.10.21) I filed a public records request to see to what extent public funds have supported Attorney General Doug Peterson’s membership of RAGA, including any impact those funds may have had in organizing support for the Capitol riot. We need accountability for how these funds were used and for who is responsible. Those behind this dangerous attack an attack on the Capitol that left 5 people dead and directly targeted our elected representatives need to be condemned and punished. Every public official should agree: To let this insurrection pass without a full investigation would set a dangerous precedent for the future of our democracy.
Constituent Survey & Virtual Town Hall Recording
October 25th, 2020
I want to hear from you! Fill out my 2020 district 8 survey to let me know what your priorities and main concerns are. Please encourage your friends, neighbors, family, and coworkers to fill out this survey as well. It is essential for your representation to hear from as many constituents as possible.
It's time for a stay at home order in Douglas County.
April 04th, 2020
We, the elected officials of the Omaha metro area, are coming together today to urge you to increase the efforts made within the City of Omaha and Douglas County to protect residents and reduce the spread of COVID-19. The current orders to self-quarantine, if possible, and practice of social distancing are not sufficient. We are calling for a full stay-at-home order and the extension of social distancing requirements for all non-essential personnel through April 30, 2020, for the following reasons: Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and has led America's response to the COVID-19, has said that every state should have a stay at home order in place.