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Press Release: Senator Megan Hunt Introduces Bill to Add Protections for Gender Identity

Today Senator Megan Hunt introduced LB504, a bill that would expand the current definition of hate crimes to include crimes based on gender identity. Gender identity refers to an individual's internal concept of their gender, regardless of their assigned sex at birth. State Legislatures across the country have been moving to include crimes based on gender identity in hate crime statutes. Nineteen states have passed legislation to include crimes based on gender identity in their hate crime laws, including Nebraska’s neighboring states of Missouri and Colorado. In 2009, the federal definition of hate crimes was updated to include gender identity. LB504 brings Nebraska statutes up to date with this federal standard. The bill also updates hate crime statutes to include strangulation.

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Press Release: Senator Megan Hunt Introduces Bill to Require Insurance Coverage for In Vitro Fertilization

Lincoln, NE— 1.22.19 — Today Senator Megan Hunt introduced LB501, a bill that would require insurers in Nebraska to provide coverage for in vitro fertilization procedures. With the current cost of in vitro fertilization for an uninsured patient reaching as high as $15,000 per procedure, it remains out of reach for many middle and lower-income Nebraska couples struggling to become parents. Currently, fifteen states have passed legislation requiring insurers to offer coverage for infertility treatment.

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Press Release: Senator Megan Hunt Introduces Bill to Limit Inquiries into Immigration Status

Lincoln, NE— 1.22.19 — Today Senator Megan Hunt introduced LB502, legislation that would limit the ability of law enforcement to inquire about the immigration status of individuals unless required by state or federal law. The purpose of the Limited Immigration Inquiry Act is to improve public safety by removing barriers that discourage immigrants from reporting crimes. According to a nationwide survey of prosecutors conducted by the ACLU and the National Immigrant Women's Advocacy Project (NIWAP), fears of deportation and immigration consequences have caused some immigrants to stop reporting crimes such as domestic violence, theft, and child abuse.

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Press Release: Senator Megan Hunt Introduces Bill to Allow Telemedicine for Abortion

Lincoln, NE— 1.22.19 — Today Senator Megan Hunt introduced LB503, a bill that would eliminate the requirement for a physician to be physically present in the room during a medical abortion. Under current statute, telemedicine for abortion is banned, leaving many economically disadvantaged women and women in rural counties without access to safe and necessary care.

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Press Release: Senator Megan Hunt Introduces Bill to Provide Emergency Contraception to Sexual Assault Survivors

Lincoln, NE— 1.22.19 — Today Senator Megan Hunt introduced LB555, a bill to require emergency rooms to provide information about emergency contraception to all victims of sexual assault, and to dispense emergency contraception immediately upon request. Emergency contraception refers to a concentrated dose of hormone found in many regular birth control pills that can prevent pregnancy when taken shortly after unprotected intercourse. It does not cause abortion.

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Press Release: Senator Megan Hunt Introduces Bill to Raise the Tipped Minimum Wage in Nebraska

Lincoln, NE— 1.17.19 — Today Senator Megan Hunt introduced LB400, a bill to increase the “tip wage” for Nebraskan workers for the first time in 28 years, to 50% of the state minimum wage. The new wage would take effect on January 1, 2020, and would initially increase the wage to $3.60 per hour, and then to $4.50 per hour on January 1, 2021. “Nebraska’s ‘tip wage’ ranks significantly behind our neighboring states and leads many Nebraskans to seek employment and opportunities in other states,” Hunt said. “Colorado, Iowa and South Dakota all have a higher ‘tip wage’ than Nebraska. But the ‘tip wage’ in the Cornhusker State has been $2.13 an hour since 1991 – even as inflation continues to rise.”

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Press Release: Senator Megan Hunt Introduces Legislation to Ban Conversion Therapy for Minors in Nebraska

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Deena Keilany Senator Megan Hunt Introduces Legislation to Ban Conversion Therapy for Minors in Nebraska Lincoln, NE— 1.11.19 — Today Senator Megan Hunt introduced LB168 and LB167 to ban the practice of conversion therapy for youth. LB168 classifies the practice as child abuse and LB167 bans organizations from advertising or providing conversion therapy to individuals under eighteen years of age.

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