In the News: Forbes
November 23rd, 2018
Ocasio-Cortez and Hunt devoted a substantial amount of their campaigning time to listening. Hunt posted on social media: “over the past 510 days, my priority has been listening to the people of District 8.” Yes, just listening. As Hunt shared on her blog the day after her successful first fun for elected office: “The thing about public service is that we don’t pick and choose who we care for. I have worked every day on this campaign to have a conversation with everyone I could have the privilege of representing” Listening is a key networking skill. It ensures you truly understand the audience you’re trying to reach. And by going to where your targeted audience hangout everyday (for Ocasio-Cortez and Hunt that involved heading into the community) you’re listening not only with your ears, but with all of your senses so you can truly “hear” what is being said. Read more at