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Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day. I am grateful to be influenced and touched by mothers every day, directly through their compassion and strength and indirectly through the amazing children they nurture in the world. I am also thinking today of the mothers we have lost, and the mothers who themselves have gone through loss.

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Megan Hunt Endorsed by Moms Demand Action

I am very proud to have received the endorsement of Moms Demand Action. Solutions to address gun violence in our communities have not moved because for too long, the gun lobby has made it uncomfortable for lawmakers to talk about gun safety or oppose their dangerous agenda. They want us to believe that gun violence is normal and that there's nothing we can do to change that. And they've made talking about guns a culturally divisive topic, despite the fact that most gun owners support gun violence prevention policies. But we know the truth: The legislators we've elected have not only the power, but the urgent obligation to set aside the rhetoric pandering to the extreme wings of their parties and take the first step toward a more moderate national gun policy. In the Nebraska Legislature, I will be a leader in addressing this topic and keeping our kids safe. ​

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