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Vote today at your polling place from 8 AM to 8 PM. Reach out to my office or to Civic Nebraska if you need help figuring out how to cast your ballot. I’m asking for your vote so I can get back to work for the next four years to keep moving Nebraska forward. Thank you for the honor of serving you. I am deeply aware that it is a privilege, and I work every day to be worthy of the gift.

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Nov. 8th Voting Guide

There is a lot at stake in this year's election. It's incumbent upon all of us to exercise our right to vote and uphold our civic duty. Together, we can accomplish great things for our state, but we need your vote on Tuesday. Ensure your family, friends, and neighbors have a voting plan in place, and vote for your values tomorrow! Here is your guide to voting on Tuesday.

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Protect Our Unique Nonpartisan Legislature

Secret ballots are an essential feature of the nonpartisanship nature of the Nebraska Legislature. They allow lawmakers to base their votes on their own convictions and the needs of their districts, rather than taking orders from a political party. Voting to eliminate secret ballots means voting to change our legislature into something partisan. I took an oath to represent the people of my district, not to represent a party. I am proud to be for this nonpartisan institution and I am committed to protecting it.

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