The Council of State Governments has announced that Senator Megan Hunt has been selected to participate in the 2022 CSG Henry Toll Fellowship. Bringing together 48 individuals representing 32 states from several sectors of state government, the Henry Toll Fellowship is the nation’s premier leadership development program for state government officials.
Soon after the Supreme Court ruling becomes official, the Nebraska Legislature will convene for a special session and once again, try to pass a total ban on abortion in our state. Though the legislature successfully blocked a bill to ban abortion this year, we didn’t protect the right to abortion in our state for good. We only bought more time for Nebraskans to organize, unite, and strategize for a future in Nebraska without legal abortion care. If the Nebraska Legislature does convene a special session to ban abortion, I can promise that anti-choice politicians will have an uphill battle, because they will have to go through me.
On April 6th, the Nebraska Legislature took a historic vote to block LB 993, a total abortion ban that would have also banned IVF, Plan B, emergency contraception, and prevented people with ectopic pregnancies from accessing healthcare. The bill failed in a 31 to 15 vote. Nebraskans made their voices clear. We want to ensure access to reproductive justice.
High school students are invited to take on the role of state senators at the Unicameral Youth Legislature on June 12-15. At the State Capitol, student senators will sponsor bills, conduct committee hearings, debate legislation and discover the unique process of the nation's only Unicameral.
LB121 would remove the lifetime Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) ban that denies food assistance to Nebraskans that have had certain drug-related convictions. Under current statute, an individual with a drug-related conviction is ineligible to receive SNAP benefits for life. This ban is counterproductive to the reintegration of formerly incarcerated individuals.
Today Senator Megan Hunt, a small business owner, community leader, and mother, announced her re-election bid for the Nebraska Legislature to represent District 8, - a seat she has held since 2019 - by officially filing with the Nebraska Accountability Disclosure Commission. Senator Hunt represents midtown Omaha, including the neighborhoods of Benson, Dundee, Happy Hollow, and Keystone.