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In the News: Video and Print Interview

"The more political work I did as an entrepreneur, the more comfortable I felt taking my place at the table in politics. I listen to the legislature every day. I can watch it online, I’ve done it for years. And I can see people on the floor saying, 'Well, it’s property taxes, it’s income taxes, and that’s why people don’t want to move here.' And at the same time, they’re voting for fewer protections for LGBT people, voting for fewer services for DACA recipients, they aren’t passing things like equal pay for women, paid family leave, Medicaid expansion — things that much more affect women, that affect people of color."

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In the News: Inc Magazine

"There are, of course, advantages to approaching politics with an entrepreneurial mindset. Megan Hunt, an Omaha, Nebraska-based entrepreneur running for the state senate, attributes much of her early momentum to her business attitude. Hunt runs a fashion boutique called Hello Holiday; prior to launching her nine-person business, she started a bridal wear startup that she grew to around $100,000 in revenue."

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Women’s rights are economic rights.

You know the slogan, “Women’s rights are human rights?” Well, women’s rights are economic rights, too. In the Nebraska Legislature, I will lead the fight against any attempt to defund reproductive healthcare providers. I am proud of my track record of standing up for women’s rights from the home to the office, and I will bring that experience to our state leadership to work for all women in Nebraska.

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Taking the long view for a better Nebraska

I’m running for office because I see so many people my age who struggle to become engaged and feel acknowledged in our civic process, and I don’t want the next generation to experience the same frustration. I will always support Alice, a 7th-generation Nebraskan, in whatever she chooses to do—going away to school, traveling, working, creating, as long as she is pursuing what makes her happy. But I wouldn’t be keeping my commitment as a mother if I didn’t do everything I could to make this a place where she, and all other young people, could be happy to call home.

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