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Women’s rights are economic rights.

You know the slogan, “Women’s rights are human rights?” Well, women’s rights are economic rights, too. In the Nebraska Legislature, I will lead the fight against any attempt to defund reproductive healthcare providers. I am proud of my track record of standing up for women’s rights from the home to the office, and I will bring that experience to our state leadership to work for all women in Nebraska.

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Taking the long view for a better Nebraska

I’m running for office because I see so many people my age who struggle to become engaged and feel acknowledged in our civic process, and I don’t want the next generation to experience the same frustration. I will always support Alice, a 7th-generation Nebraskan, in whatever she chooses to do—going away to school, traveling, working, creating, as long as she is pursuing what makes her happy. But I wouldn’t be keeping my commitment as a mother if I didn’t do everything I could to make this a place where she, and all other young people, could be happy to call home.

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An evening with Nebraska Appleseed

"I've learned that it's a win just to have the conversation. It's a win to support people who don't feel supported. It's a win to change the way people were thinking before." Becky shared an important lesson in how we define wins and how we define success, and how important it is to pick yourself up when something happens that you don't define as success. As Becky said, "We're in the struggle, and there are a lot of people who came before us, and there are a lot of people who will pick up the torch and carry it on after we are gone and continue to work for social justice." Don't think in terms of election cycles. Think in terms of today, tomorrow, and how your choices now affect the generations to come.

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Press Release: Businesswoman Megan Hunt Launches Campaign For Legislature

Megan Hunt launched her campaign for the Nebraska legislature to a full crowd on Wednesday night. Hunt is the co-founder of Hello Holiday, a successful e-commerce company selling clothing produced by independent fashion designers and known for its “Girls Support Girls” marketing. Speaking to more than 100 people at Lot 2 in Benson, Hunt highlighted her entrepreneurial background blending her personality and politics into a professional business environment. She acknowledged her unique background and asked voters to help her bring a new mindset to the legislature.

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In the News: Cosmopolitan Magazine

Nebraska is known for having one of the youngest legislatures in the nation, and Megan Hunt is hoping to make it even younger. The 31-year-old single mother and business woman just added a new item to her already full plate — Democratic candidate for state senator representing the 8th district in Omaha, Nebraska. Hunt, who has long mixed activism with Hello Holiday, her online and brick-and-mortar feminist fashion boutique, spoke to about her campaign plans, how she uses business to promote her favorite causes, and how she prepares for the challenges that come from being a Millennial female candidate.

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